// source --> https://matsudafumio.site/wp-content/plugins/no-right-click-images-plugin/no-right-click-images.js /********************************************** No Right Click Images plugin by Keith P. Graham Plugin URI: http://www.BlogsEye.com/ Description: Uses Javascript to prevent right clicking of images to help keep leaches from copying images Version: 3.4 Author: Keith P. Graham Author URI: http://www.BlogsEye.com/ This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ***********************************************/ document.addEventListener("contextmenu",kpg_nrci_cm, false); if (nrci_opts['drag']=='Y') { document.addEventListener("dragstart",kpg_nrci_cm, false); document.addEventListener("touchmove",kpg_nrci_cm, false); /* same as drag? */ } if (nrci_opts['touch']=='Y') { document.addEventListener("touchstart",kpg_nrci_cm, false); } if (nrci_opts['gesture']=='Y') { document.addEventListener("gesturestart",kpg_nrci_cm, false); } function kpg_nrci_block(event) { event.cancelBubble = true; if(event.preventDefault != undefined) { event.preventDefault(); } if(event.stopPropagation != undefined) { event.stopPropagation(); } return false; } function kpg_nrci_cm(event) { try { if (event.target.tagName == "IMG") { //alert("in IMG"); event.cancelBubble = true; if(event.preventDefault != undefined) { event.preventDefault(); } if(event.stopPropagation != undefined) { event.stopPropagation(); } //console.log('in img tag'); return false; } } catch(error) { console.log("NRI error:"+error); } try { if(event.target.getAttribute("style")==null || event.target.getAttribute("style")=="") { return true; } if (event.target.style.backgroundImage != null && event.target.style.backgroundImage != 'none' && event.target.style.backgroundImage != '') { event.cancelBubble = true; if(event.preventDefault != undefined) { event.preventDefault(); } if(event.stopPropagation != undefined) { event.stopPropagation(); } return false; } } catch(error) { console.log("NRI error:"+error); } return true; }; // source --> https://matsudafumio.site/wp-content/plugins/top-bar/js/jquery.cookie.js /*! * jQuery Cookie Plugin v1.4.1 * https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie * * Copyright 2013 Klaus Hartl * Released under the MIT license */ (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // CommonJS factory(require('jquery')); } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } }(function ($) { var pluses = /\+/g; function encode(s) { return config.raw ? s : encodeURIComponent(s); } function decode(s) { return config.raw ? s : decodeURIComponent(s); } function stringifyCookieValue(value) { return encode(config.json ? JSON.stringify(value) : String(value)); } function parseCookieValue(s) { if (s.indexOf('"') === 0) { // This is a quoted cookie as according to RFC2068, unescape... s = s.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/\\\\/g, '\\'); } try { // Replace server-side written pluses with spaces. // If we can't decode the cookie, ignore it, it's unusable. // If we can't parse the cookie, ignore it, it's unusable. s = decodeURIComponent(s.replace(pluses, ' ')); return config.json ? JSON.parse(s) : s; } catch(e) {} } function read(s, converter) { var value = config.raw ? s : parseCookieValue(s); return $.isFunction(converter) ? converter(value) : value; } var config = $.cookie = function (key, value, options) { // Write if (value !== undefined && !$.isFunction(value)) { options = $.extend({}, config.defaults, options); if (typeof options.expires === 'number') { var days = options.expires, t = options.expires = new Date(); t.setTime(+t + days * 864e+5); } return (document.cookie = [ encode(key), '=', stringifyCookieValue(value), options.expires ? '; expires=' + options.expires.toUTCString() : '', // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE options.path ? '; path=' + options.path : '', options.domain ? '; domain=' + options.domain : '', options.secure ? '; secure' : '' ].join('')); } // Read var result = key ? undefined : {}; // To prevent the for loop in the first place assign an empty array // in case there are no cookies at all. Also prevents odd result when // calling $.cookie(). var cookies = document.cookie ? document.cookie.split('; ') : []; for (var i = 0, l = cookies.length; i < l; i++) { var parts = cookies[i].split('='); var name = decode(parts.shift()); var cookie = parts.join('='); if (key && key === name) { // If second argument (value) is a function it's a converter... result = read(cookie, value); break; } // Prevent storing a cookie that we couldn't decode. if (!key && (cookie = read(cookie)) !== undefined) { result[name] = cookie; } } return result; }; config.defaults = {}; $.removeCookie = function (key, options) { if ($.cookie(key) === undefined) { return false; } // Must not alter options, thus extending a fresh object... $.cookie(key, '', $.extend({}, options, { expires: -1 })); return !$.cookie(key); }; })); // source --> https://matsudafumio.site/wp-content/plugins/top-bar/js/tpbr_front.min.js /** * Top Bar Front JS (minified) */ ;(function($){$(document).ready(function(){var fixed=tpbr_settings.fixed;var message=tpbr_settings.message;var url=tpbr_settings.button_url;var link=tpbr_settings.button_text;var tbcolor=tpbr_settings.color;var status=tpbr_settings.status;var button=tpbr_settings.yn_button;var is_admin_bar=tpbr_settings.is_admin_bar;var timeoutScroller='';$(document).scroll(function(){if($('#wpadminbar').length&&fixed=='fixed'&&$(window).width()<601){clearTimeout(timeoutScroller);timeoutScroller=setTimeout(function(){if($(document).scrollTop()<46){$('#tpbr_topbar').css({top:46-$(document).scrollTop()})}else{if($('#tpbr_topbar').css('top')!=0){$('#tpbr_topbar').css({top:0})}}},10)}}) function updateHeights(){if($('.pushr').length){if($('#wpadminbar').length){var newAdminBarHeight=$('#wpadminbar').outerHeight();var topBarHeight=$('#tpbr_topbar').outerHeight();$('.pushr').height(topBarHeight);$('#tpbr_topbar').css({top:newAdminBarHeight})}}} if(button=='button'){function shadeColor1(color,percent){var num=parseInt(color.slice(1),16),amt=Math.round(2.55*percent),R=(num>>16)+amt,G=(num>>8&0x00FF)+amt,B=(num&0x0000FF)+amt;return"#"+(0x1000000+(R<255?R<1?0:R:255)*0x10000+(G<255?G<1?0:G:255)*0x100+(B<255?B<1?0:B:255)).toString(16).slice(1)} var ltbcolor=shadeColor1(tbcolor,-12);var btn_result=''+link+''}else{var btn_result=''} if(fixed=='fixed'){var fixed_result='position:fixed; z-index:9999; width:100%; left:0px; top:0; '}else{var fixed_result=''} if(status=='active'){if(fixed=='fixed'){$('
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